Ray Dasher - "Where Innovation Meets Fashion"

Accessibility Statement

At raydasher.com, we are committed to ensuring digital accessibility to our products and services, for everyone, including people with disabilities. Any user needing accommodations or requests for auxiliary aides or services can contact us, and we will do our best to honor the request.

Our Commitment to Users

As a part of our commitment to our Users, we strive to make changes that will make our site more accessible to people with all kinds of disabilities, including those with cognitive, hearing, motor, and visual impairments. We regularly update the site to provide all of our Users equal access to our goods and services

Our Goals and Actions

To provide the most positive user experience for as many of our users as possible, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our site. To ensure the best possible user experience, our site is compatible with the following:

  • Current versions of popular screen readers
  • Operating system screen magnifiers and speech packages
  • Speech recognition technology

We follow accessibility, best practices, and the principles of universal design to ensure flexible and adaptable access.
We also monitor the latest technology and incorporate changes to make the user experience much easier.

Feedback, Questions, and Suggestions

If you have feedback about any of the functions, questions related to accessibility, or suggestions for ways we can improve the end user experience, you can contact us and let us know how we can help.

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